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  • Improve Workplace Communication With Office 365


The modern workplace takes advantage of the latest available technology to connect and grow their business, however, many companies now struggle to keep track of all the different platforms available to them, creating confusion and lost time trying to find conversations and missing files.

Many SMEs suffer from the problems of siloing; struggling to trace employees across different platforms, and loss of important conversations and files. This can be overcome by adopting both a business model and mindset of the digital world; through the use of Microsoft 365.

You will often find an astronomical volume of data being generated by your system, people and processes, so it can be easy to unintentionally create a breeding ground for communication failures that cost your business. But, by using Microsoft 365 in the best way, your employees get flexible hours (in home offices and mobile) and insights and data in real-time to create a productive environment that enriches your workforce and customers.

Microsoft 365 - which includes what's commonly known as Office 365 - offers a fundamental transformation of how your business not only operates but communicates. At Syscom, our team of Microsoft Office Consultants offer business Office 365 support that can set up, licence and support your Microsoft 365 platform to optimise internal communications and create a truly mobile, connected workspace.

Discover new ways to improve communication across your business with Microsoft 365

  • Streamline your inbox by using SharePoint as an intranet
  • Accelerate your projects with Teams
  • Make the most of your emails with Outlook